Yellow heart KineMaster template video download new 2021 part-3,kinemaster template video

Yellow heart KineMaster template video download new 2021 part-3,kinemaster template video 

Kinemaster template video

                     what it is that I did and where I got it from so, the footage goes from here and I was actually holding my camera on a tripod and is a I basically ran after Ben it as he came down around this corner this is it me on foot just running,after him and then it he does his big jump and then I get here and I Lord check this out I literally jumped myself then as you can see the that footage goes a bit sort of after that so we only really want this little section here.

How to use template video effects with kinemaster :

    just before things get a bit wobbly so,we can trim to the right by clicking here and now we'll come back here I actually only want this little section from about here I think and we'll trim to the left of the timeline so now we've got a workable clip what are we going to do well as it gets a most- just here okay I'm going to

give that a little cut of let's just split that I'm gonna change the speed of the,

      first clip I'm actually gonna make that real time so that's just gonna go a little bit quicker okay so he's gonna tear around here and then slow motion here and,

       when it hits the slow motion I kind of want those a cool speed lines so,if we click on to layer and we click not on to effect as you might imagine but actually into overlay there's a bunch of different things here including speed lines and just as by the way you can,

Layer video use with kinemaster :

click on the store and you can actually go into the kinemaster a set store and add all these really cool overlays there's a bunch of different stuff here and we'll explore some of those in another tutorial but for right now I've actually downloaded speed lines and we've got a few different versions we've got this one which I don't want but the one that I do want is this one here okay.

so that's basically the effect there if I just play this back and the only thing is two things is one it's a little strong.

so I'm just going to click it on here and I'm going to change the opacity and just sort of bring that down that a little bit just so it's not quite so strong and the other thing that I'm going to do is if,you just listen you can that hear maybe a bit of wind as I'm running so we don't want that sound.

Cromokey use with kinemaster :

     so,if I go over here and I click on the mixer that I can actually drop that sound down altogether so there's one other little section in the video.where I used a filter which I just want to quickly show you so that you understand how I got it and why I used it so the section is just about here let me show you.

I climbed a tree to get this a shot I had the phone on a tripod and it was kind of extended out over the top of the jump and you can kind of see here we go this is the footage I got so clamoring through the tree and then I sort of set myself up and then Ben came through okay.

so that was actually the shutters after and then I noticed this trailing shot of the shadow as it comes through and it,just kind of almost sticks to the bottom of the frame and then bloop and then we see this kind of really cool shadow well that's such a neat little shot I really really like that but it is a little bland so go over here to filters basic color effects down here to this guy that's it right there as a simple as that but yeah at you get the idea so filters can be used to distract and enhance your footage and this here was really distracting from the fact I use that same piece of footage twice and I think it worked pretty well you.

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