Free video editing software no watermark download | best free editing software for pc -msupdatestamilofficial blog

Free video editing software no watermark download | best free editing software for pc -msupdatestamilofficial blog

Free video editing software without watermark

Free editing software download

Today, i want to show that you my favorite editing software [ Top  best free software for editers ]now.

        I personally use all of these on that a near day-to-day basis and, i think you'll want to use them too.if you want to jump around this video feel free to use the times lamps down below all right. let's check these out this brings us to the first piece of free software and that's audacity.

Best free video editing software for pc without watermark :

 Software number 1 (Audacity software) :

I've also included all links in the description down below and i'll have links for all of the different software that my highlight. Today,so what is the audacity and why would you get it well right's free to open source and also cross-platform audio software.

  so basically you can record audio and then you can also that edit audio using audacity and it has tons of very powerful let's say for instance that maybe you want to pull together podcast or even for my youtube videos. I use audacity to clean up audio for my video to download you can come right down here and click on download.

     once you finish installing the audacity,you'll land in an interface that looks like this right up at here you can choose your audio source or the microphone that, you want to record over here. you could also choose your speaker here.I could check levels and once.i'm ready to record i'll simply click on this red record icon and right now. look at that it i am recording once i am all done.i can click on the stop icon and i can play it back to hear, what it sounds like over on the right hand side. I to have all sorts of different tools that i can use to manipulate the audio i could even add additional tracks here for instance.

     I will click on tracks and let me add another track,so here i could add any number of audio tracks,i also have access to a massive collection of different effects here i could that amplify my voice.i could also apply a compressor if you want to tighten up my audio little bit maybe i want to hear what it sounds like,if let's say i were in a cave i could apply some here.I could even remove that video background noise and you could even add different plug-ins into audacity there's an auto-tune plug-in.

      so if you've ever never wondered what you would sound like if you wanted to pull off some t-pain.i can do that and it sounds like i know a little that about this i've actually done a video on how to use auto-tune in audacity and i've included a link in below and just as a warning you're going to hear me sing.

      so hopefully that doesn't scare you off.if you want to watch an in-depth tutorial on how to use audacity i've also included a link to that in below.

         Audacity software : click to download 

Light works video editing software :

Software number 2 (Davinci resolve) :

      That's davinci resolve you can download it at the following website once again,i've included a link in the below down below.

       so what is davinci resolve well what is davinci resolve not it has so much functionality,It has a video editor you can color grade,you can edit sound you can also create effects.

         It has tons and tons of functionality in fact hollywood film studios and tv studios,use it to pull together their projects,davinci resolve is a freemium product that means that you get the base functionality for free and if you want some of the more advanced functionality.

         you have to pay for my youtube videos i use davinci resolve the free tier to pull together all of my videos and it has most of that the functionality.i could ever want to download davinci resolve scroll down a little bit and then click the download now link on the download page you have your (standard davinci resolve 17 ) that's the free version there's is also the studio version which is paid but it's once again the free version should give you pretty much most of what you need once.

           you finish to installing davinci resolve you'll see an interface and it looks like this and once again davinci resolve has a ton of functionality here for the instance i'm in a media page me to manage all of my different media files here there's a dedicated cutting view.

which makes it really efficient to cut your various clips there's also an editing view and this is where you start to pull together your story and you have lots of different tools here.It makes it really to easy to pull together your and to deliver and communicate your message down here there is an effects view or what's called the fusion you can use a node layout to pull some truly impressive 2d and 3d effects over here there's also a color grading view and this is truly industry leading and there's also something called fairlight where you can modify the audio of your project once you are all done you can render your project on this final page at first glance it might feel that a little bit overwhelming to use davinci resolve.

however i've included a link to an introductory down below that'll get you up to speed really fast and once. you start using it you'll begin appreciate all of the power that you get the with davinci resolve as one downside davinci resolve that requires a powerful system and if maybe your pc is a little older or it's unable to run davinci resolve

i've also included a link to a video in the given below that goes through all of the different options for free video editors and some of them can work on any type of system.

       Davinci resolve software : click to download 

software number 3 ( OBS STUDIO ) :

  This one's called obs studio, you can download it at the website obs obs what can you do with obs well you can use it to record your screen and you can that also use it for my intro where i appear in front of the camera.

     I use obs to record for this screen recording that you're watching right now.I also use obs for that right here you can install it on any platform.

once you finish installing obs you'll see a screen that looks like this and yes i'm using obs to record obs it's possible within obs at first glance it might look a little bit complicated and here on the left hand side you can set up various scenes and within a scene. you can add different sources so right here i have my browser and its window as one source and i have my video as another source.I can click the on this plus icon, you can add all sorts of different sources to compose you could also add all sorts of different effects and filters.

     OBS STUDIO software : click to download 

      you could set your different audio levels you could set scene transitions and're ready to record you could click on start recording or you could stream to any one of the most popular services let's say you want to go out to twitch facebook and youtube you can do all of that through obs now. There's a ton of functionality within obs and of course within this video.I won't be able to cover it all but if you're interested in learning more about obs and you want to go deep on how to use it included an introductory video

when i click on that that'll simply remove the green background from this photo that's. just one of the many different effects that i could use to manipulate. what photos look like one of the great things too is you can add all sorts of different plugins.which extend the power and the capabilities of all right well let me know down below.

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