Tiktok dress color change tutorial || How to change dress color in kinemaster, kinemaster Star video effects download

Tiktok dress color change tutorial || How to change dress color in kinemaster

Star video effects for kinemaster

 For today's video, you're going to learn how to change the color of your outfit using only your smartphone and editing with kinemaster.You'll start by filming your TikTok or Reels video.

Star video effects for kinemaster editing effect :

The easiest way to learn this effect is by wearing a Chroma Key bright green or Chroma Key bright blue shirt with clean lines.For your background, you'll want to select location with a neutral color. Filming on a white wall is best.

Also if you have long hair like me,you're going to want to pull it back into a ponytail so it doesn't interfere with your outfits.

This will keep this effect looking as realistic as possible.Skip wearing any bouncing jewelry.OK, now it's time to open the KineMaster app on your smartphone.Select the New Project button with the +, then select 9:16 ratio for TikTok and IG Reels.

If it's your first time using KineMaster, you might get a pop-up to access your photos.Tap Select more photos.Now select the video you just recorded. Tap done, then tap Media and go to your album.Tap the video you just recorded and then tap on the check mark on the upper right hand side.

Change your shirt colour with kinemaster :

You should now see the video you recorded in your Timeline.You will now need to make a layer, so only your outfit will change colors while everything else remains as you filmed it.

To make this layer, tap on your video in the editing queue so it is highlighted yellow.Next go to the upper left hand side and tap on the three dots. Then tap Duplicate as Layer.

You’ll now see two rows of videos: Your original video on the top and your duplicate layer on the bottom.You will also see two layers in your video preview. It'll look like a picture in picture.Make sure your video is lined up with your layer.

You'll need to expand your duplicate layer to completely cover your original video in the Timeline.Tap on the duplicate layer. That's the bottom layer in the Timeline. You'll see a tool box appear on your upper right hand side.

Scroll down to Chroma Key, tap Enable, and then tap on the Key Color.Since I used a green outfit in filming my video, I'm going to select the key color of green.If you used a blue outfit in your video. This is where you would select the key color of blue.

But since I use green, this is the key color I'm selecting.Tap the checkmark area to save.Now you are going to create a mask.Tap Show Mask.

You want your outfit to be a solid black color andn the background to be white.To get this, you'll need to adjust the levels of your clothing until it matches my demonstration.Tap the check mark to save.

Now comes the fun part and the part where the magic happens. Changing the color!Since I want my outfit to change a few times,I will need to split my original video for each color change.Make sure you tap on the original top video, not your bottom duplicate layer.

To split the video tap on the Trim / Split and Split at Playhead.Repeat this process for each outfit color change you would like.

Now that you have your video split into the clips at the different outfit changes,you can start changing the color.I am leaving my outfit the original color for the first clip of the video.

I will start to change the color on the second clip.Tap on the second original video in your editing queue and tap Filter.

Try out the different filters until you find one of the colors that you like.Next, you're going to blend the colors by tapping on the Opacity slider below the video preview.

Try lowering and increasing the opacity until it appears as realistic as possible.

Tap the check mark to save.Repeat this process for each section.

Once you have adjusted all of your outfit colors to your liking, it's time to export and share your creation.To export, you're going to tap on the square with an up arrow coming out of it on the top of your screen.

Now select your Resolution and Frame Rate.Next tap Export and the file will appear on your right.

Kinemaster star video effects black screen :

Now tap on the Share button with the up arrow to share on IG, TikTok, with friends or share to your smartphone. Congratulations, you just created a masterpiece.To see all my videos, check out my Reels and my TikTok videos.

Make sure to like and subscribe to KineMaster’s YouTube for more fun tutorials by some of your favorite creators.If you have any video editing questions or suggestions, please comment below.

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            Click to download 

If you haven't downloaded the KineMaster app yet,it's easy to download on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.You can use the links in this video or search for KineMaster in those apps.

Thank you so much for watching.I can't wait to create with you again and remember to always believe in the magic of you.

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