Rain drop black screen effect, kinemaster raindrop effect part-8

 Rain drop black screen effect, kinemaster raindrop effect part-8

Rain drop black screen effect

        Hi everyone han i share fashion and beauty content on instagram on youtube,i have been enjoying using kinemaster to edit my videos.

         Today i'm going to show that it you how to elevate your video with this perfect shake transition you don't have to film 100 clips to get a perfect one how to do it let's dive in so here are the video clips that i filmed using my phone i'll be using three short mirror selfie videos to showcase different outfits each outfit should appear in the mirror for a few seconds at the end of the first if you and second video.

Rain drop effect black screen :

swipe down from mirror to floor at the beginning of the more then second and third video swipe down from the ceiling to mirror okay let's move on to the editing open the kinder master app here is the main screen it's the new 5.0 version.

let's start from here tap create new and then choose the aspect ratio for the project i need a vertical video for tick tock and instagram reel.so, 9 by 16 will be great select media and import the 3 video clips from the album and then press ok trim the videos first tap the first video select trim or split trim to the left of playhead and then to delete the left part trim to the right of playhead to delete.

           The right part repeat this step for the other two clips i want to keep the three clips about the same length so let's adjust the speed type the video use the speed function drag this bar to find the right speed and then let's move on to the transition the fun part tap the add button between the two clips you will see the transition list here these are the transitions downloaded from kinemaster's access door you can find more transition assets here.

i have downloaded the one that i need shake it select shake it and you will see four different directions which one should we use since we filmed swipe down motion for the original videos we use number four shake it downwards adjust the speed of the transition and let's see how it looks now.

Blending screen black screen effects :

wow a perfect shake transition the transition looks nice without any advanced filming skills kinemaster just handled the most part for us to make the videos more dynamic we can use this cool feature called clip graphics tap video and then clip graphics here.

let's use this one over line to layer.

some moving lines to the video the lines work well with the mirror frame and add same effect on all three parts,how about the audio add a background music by tapping audio button this is a list of music downloaded from the asset store,select this song and click add we want to add a special sound effect to the shake transitions we need to turn down the music volume as these transition parts first with this volume envelope feature we can partially adjust the volume without cutting the audio click audio and then click volume envelope add three markers at the transition lower the volume of the second marker this is when the first look disappears and the second one comes up tap audio again and select,
     sfx use whoosh and select mid high now we have layered a sound effect at the shake transition to make it more dramatic.

so, now we're done with the editing let's take final video as an mp4 file and export the video to the camera row on the phone tap this button on the upper right corner select the resolution and the frame rate and tap export wait for a few seconds and that you will see the output video on the list.

if you want to work project on other devices that also have kinemaster app you can save the project into akina file with all the digital assets on the main screen. click the see all on my projects on this corner you can rename and export project to icloud drive to access and manage your icloud files you will need app called files this app is made by apple and it's free it's a native app and generally comes standard when you set up your iphone.

Rain drop new Trending template download :

if for some reason then and you don't have it go to the app store and search for a blue folder files and download this app now coming back to the project let's rename the project to perfect shake and then save it to this km folder you can create new folders to organize your files going back to the icloud drive you can find this kino file.

  you have a few options to share this project let's use airdrop and share it to my ipad,when this device received the file you open the kinemaster app automatically you can continue editing here you can also share this project using email text message or other apps to work on a kinemaster project you can open akina file from the main screen of the app.

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