Adobe premiere rush video editing tutorial |colour light effects |text effects

Adobe video editer app editing tutorial :

Colour effect video
Colour effects 

 Today's post i'll be giving you guys a tutorial,of the adobe premiere rush video editing app. i'll be covering all the basics that so,that way when you finish this video.

      you can get started editing right away now, on this channel.

How ti edit videos an adobe premiere rush editer app:

   i show you guys how to make videos on your,you can grow an audience help others

and make money that doing what you love so, if that interests you be sure to subscribe to this channel,

and let's begin this tutorial now i'll be doing this tutorial from my ipad but don't worry android or iphone users it's the exact same's just a

little spaced out plus i can now hook up a mouse so that way you guys can see exactly, what i'm clicking on.

   so, to start all and you're going to do is just start choosing the media you want i actually have an album here called video editing.

   so, i'm just going to the select these clips here you can also add your project name here,if you want and then, when you're to ready you can click create so,now we're in the timeline here we can actually scroll through with our finger and take a look at all the clips we've added uh if we want to rearrange these clips, all you have do is hold down on the clip with your finger and then you can just scroll over down and

move it wherever you want and then let go and now it's in that position.

     if you need to add more photos or videos, to your timeline. you can just click the plus button here you can choose to capture the videos and photos from the adobe app or you can click media and be able to import more stuff into your timeline.

if you want to trim your clips all you have to do is click on whichever video you want to trim, if you just grab the far edge you can actually just trim it right with your finger there on either side otherwise if you want you can line up where you want to trim click the scissors button which is going to split the clip into two clips and then you can just do delete the part that you don't want out of your timeline if you end up accidentally deleting, something you didn't mean to do it or you make any other mistake.

     up in the corner here they have a back button and you can just simply,click that and it'll restore whatever you did so,as you can see i clicked the back button

and now i've no longer split the clip and the old clip is back attached.

if you want to crop in on a video like for example let's say i maybe want to zoom in here on this dandelion. what i can do is go over to crop and what i can do then is scale to zoom in and then i can use the horizontal position here to line it up vertical like so and there we go i have it lined up where i want it

and then i can click this button again here just to exit out and there we go now my video is cropped in.

How to add transition colour effects :

where i want it,if you want to add some basic transitions to your videos,and put it in between two clips all you got to do is click on this button up here which is the transition button and then you can add

a basic fade and you can also choose the duration of that fade here. if you want to add text to your video all you are have to do is click up here to this add graphic button click add graphic and then you have access to adding titles to your video,and as you can see there are a some pre-made ones here like the subscribe one which we can drag over the top here and have in our video, and otherwise we could customize one ourselves.

Colour text effects making on adobe premiere rush video editing app :

    so i'm just going to do delete this i'm actually going to choose this modern title and click add give it a second there,i can extend it by just grabbing either side of it and i can drag it out like so,and then if i want to edit it. i can just click on it click on modern title and i can start adjusting some of the effects for this title.

   if you want to change text all you have to do is double click on that a text and you can change it to anything you want can add shadows different color effects to the text and whatnot and if you want to get rid of this line you can actually just uncheck it and get rid of it and not have to worry about a line being there uh you can also grab the text if you,want move that anywhere you want on the timeline so if you want it rather down there or if you'd rather it up here.

you can adjust the text and move it anywhere that you want and then if you want you can also click on the transition button if you want you can add a more transition to the text effects.

so that way you can have it fade on as well as fade out if you want to add music to your timeline all you do is click the plus button up here.choose and then just go down to audio or your files if you have it saved to your files on audio there is some rush pre-made soundtracks in here that you could use if you want otherwise it's going to go to your apple libraries ish area if maybe you screen recorded your screen and got a song off.

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