Green screen effects VN video editing app tutorial


VN editer app tutorial and two tops for editing videos:

Green heart templarecording

if you want to take your vn editing skills to the next level.keep listening because in today's post  i'll be sharing with you seven advanced editing tips within the vn vlog now video editor app whatever they're calling it right now,and i'll be showing you guys everything from how to do key frames green screen add cinematic black bars social media logos etc..... all within this video and they actually have it time stamped down below so if there's something you,already know how to do within the app.

VN editing tutorial :

       you can just skip ahead to the next tip now on this channel. my goal is to help you create videos on your smartphone.

      so, if that's something that interests you join our community and subscribe and sure to check out  our playlist section i've already made a whole bunch of videos to help you get started.

        so, let's jump into these tips advanced editing tip number one i'm going to be showing. how to use key frames uh and basically the simplest way to explain key frames is it's basically the ability to move an object or text or a photo or cause an effect to go from one point to do another point and i'm gonna demonstrate this on me ipad here i actually have a bluetooth mouse hooked up to my ipad.

Green screen effects :

     just to show you what i'm clicking on uh but what we're gonna do is go down to tap to add sticker slash pip picture in picture and i'm just going to go to a photo of myself real quick and we're going to import that in there we go and i just going to move my image down here now, you'll notice in the options here we have key frame and what's we going to happen is we'll click key frame here and if you notice it's really the hard to see i'll zoom in but there's a little like diamond piece there for the key frame we've put down.

Green screen effects use with VN editer apk:

     basically a key frame marker there and then what we're to going to do is we're,just going to scroll ahead in the video to let's say here and all i'm going to do is grab this image and move it over here and it's going to drop another key frame as you can see on there and this is, basically the easiest way to explain it when i scroll to the beginning here notice how i move back and forth between the points is because i put two key frame points down it's allowing me to move that.image from one point to the next point and you can not only move stuff if i.wanted to let me remove this key frame by clicking the minus button and then we're going to do scroll back over to the first one and let's just put my image here we could also increase the size by just grabbing this here and crease and now what the key frame will do is increase the size between here and here.

       see how that work and like i said there's  lot of cool things you can do with key frames like move text across the screen move objects stickers.

     you know little gifs you know whatever you want to do key frames give you, the ability do that and that's pretty much the basics of key frames advanced


      Editing tip number two i'm gonna be showing you guys how to do green screen effects within the vn video editor app now something i did before this i went on to youtube which is a gold mine there's so

many videos uh green screen videos and what i actually did was i recorded my screen uh showing a subscribe button with a green screen behind it so what i'm going to do is add that to the timeline here.

      so i'm going to click tap to add sticker slash pip and here is the video.and what i'm going to do is first trim,it here because you can see my ipad screen here we don't want that so i'm going to trim it down to right where i click play on the video about right there and i'm going to scroll over here and trim it on the other side you can see me stopping the recording

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