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How to editing videos in Kinemaster apk new 2021 |kinemaster black screen template

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 Hey guys it's Patti and today I'm going to show you how if you've got a two camera shoot you can take your locked off camera and make it just a little bit more interesting using Kinemaster.

     let's jump in and see how it's done yeah really what we have is we have this locked off shot here. which is just not very interesting once you get to about here and what are we going to do about that well let me show,you a cool little trick so if we come along here just beyond I'm gonna zoom in.

Kinemaster editing tips and tricks 2021 new :

so, we want to be just beyond this shot here so we're hidden from view and if,we select this shot and duplicate as lair okay now I'll trim to the left of the playhead come along here and then,just beyond this one we're going to trim to the right of the playhead now.

      you can actually switch order for for these tracks in keno masters so at this point here we want this track on top. so, if we select here and go bring to front that's going to fix that,when I come back over here and likewise at this point here.I want this guy on the front and now what,

we have is we have that shot and then we have a sort of a picture-in-picture effect well we're not going for that.we're actually going to select the track now ideally I would have shot this in a higher resolution. if you've ever wondered why you would buy a 4k camera this is why so there you go that's fullscreen let's go just a little bit more about there now it doesn't really good degrade the quality from that camera too much in fact I think you'd be hard-pressed to pick it.but, what it lets us do is if we come back here with this tract selected we can check here and add a little keyframe okay and now here's the thing because I've hidden the track behind the other track.

I should have waited to do that because,I actually really want to see that let's send him to the back again so I can see this shot that I want to play with and I'll go along here and likewise we're just going to send that back sort of going around in circles here but when,I select this now okay and I put it over my keyframe let's press that and use this to navigate to the keyframe I can have this all the way to the to the edge of the frame on this side come along here to the end of the clip okay and I'm going to just push it across to the other side now.

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we'll return this to the front go grab the other one and return this to the front and watch.what happens we're going to get a nice little move on this shot here which is going to hold our attention even though paddy did a terrible job of filming these fantastic performers so let's just watch that through see.

 what we think yeah yeah that works really well because as this shot is sliding and this guy here is going off-screen we return to him with this shot here now.

if only I'd done the white balance correctly and had somebody clap at the beginning of this piece and a whole bunch of other things.I did wrong but you know what you're out're filming you're experimenting don't be afraid to get it wrong I've been doing this since I was 15 was the first time I picked up a video camera and I'm still making mistakes and I'm 46 years old.I don't care if I make mistakes as long as I learn from them and the more you're using your equipment the more you'll remember that issue you had last time and you'll be able to avoid it so that's a great little tip there shoot the locked-off camera in 4k or at least in a higher resolution than the other camera.

Export video with kinemaster :

      This one can be in 1080p because obviously I'm framing those shots directly and held but this is a locked-off camera and then if that's got a little bit more resolution shoot it a little bit looser so you know not quite.

so,tight on the let me just cut this and show you the original that I had,I'm probably pushing that out of sync.

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so,you know you can imagine if I just left a little bit more room on the left and the right and above it would have given me some more options for panning this shot in post in the editing suite of Kinemaster and I will definitely do that next time well I hope you found that super interesting if you did drop me a comment below show me your videos let me know.

what you're creating on your mobile phone and if you are creating things on your mobile phone irrespective of whether you're shooting with other cameras and editing it on the phone or you're taking Instagram snaps.

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