how to photoshop on mobile, how to use photoshop on mobile phone,which is the best photoshop app for android in 2021

how to photoshop on mobile, how to use photoshop on mobile phone,which is the best photoshop app for android in 2021 :

Music player black screen template

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what's going down people welcome back to the channel i produce weekly content based around video editing videography and how to make money making videos.

how to photoshop on mobile :

Today's a little bit is not falling under the category of any of those three this is talking about a new free photoshop app for mobile and it's not some knockoff photoshop app or some you know little freebie thing um well technically it's a little freebie thing uh but,it's not some knockoff this is by photoshop.

It's called the ps camera and i'm loading it up on my phone right here basically i'm gonna be very honest with you this ain't photoshop this is a more or less a glorified filters app if anything uh you'll get you will get to it i'll jump onto the thing and do a screen record and show you guys.

what it's looking like in a second right um basically a combination of loads of filters right i'll pop it up a screen record over here on the side. so,

     you can see what's going down it's a combination of a whole bunch of filters and more or less a lot of the filters are pretty messy not necessarily.some you know nice aesthetically pleasing filter that i'd really that i really sort of expect and want and honestly like i said i'm not actually super impressed with him this so far but it,popped up as a sponsored post on my instagram now this app actually came out in like maybe like november or something like that but,

Music player black screen template video :

it's had a lot of kind of hype this year i've seen some stuff over the past couple months just talking about it and you can actually get some cool stuff out of it now.

ideally i'd hope that they're going to be releasing more stuff and this is kind of something for more simplistic type of photography maybe you've got a nice moonlight or something like that right now the main thing that i use is the portrait the portrait is something. i can get behind portrait is a phenomenal uh effect that i loved that was added to snapchat i loved that it was added to instagram and it's a lot of fun because it blurs the whole background it brings focus to obviously you.

 They got a couple different variations right now if i'm talking about the best effects in this thing,it's the portrait and maybe the sky changing. so, say you're dealing with a pretty a pretty nasty day can get some blue sky and you can actually change the weather. so,it's pretty gray day out there it definitely doesn't look like that.

   However,um because i am using this this blue sky filter,when we point this out the window in fact i can do this even better look at this.i can actually sort of point this out the window and of course it latches onto the to the white of the wall but boom.

you can completely change the uh the sky behind you which,i think is a pretty nice effect very cool and obviously they give you a few different variations i think the final one is actually moving.let me see this one as you can see this guy's actually moving in this one and i'm literally looking at me right now i'm holding up my phone.

out the window right here this is pretty hilarious i'm not gonna lie, but overall you can also sort of stand on a white background and have this sort of effect but, overall those are the two sort of best effects in my opinion it gives you a whole bunch of lenses.

Photo shop music player effect video for kinemaster :

if you if you jump on here right i'm showing the screen record right here,it gives a whole bunch of lenses essentially so a lens is what they call a filter and more or can download different lenses uh it already comes pre-loaded with maybe like six or seven obviously they're all free they haven't at leas yet started charging for filters.

i can kind of see that happening later down the road i'm not gonna lie this is uh usually how these sort of apps work they give you a couple free things and they start charging but,adobe make a lot of money other places.

so, maybe they don't need to charge for for filters we'll see how that plays out and basically these are different looks.

so,for example let's uh let's grab one the floral mula or whatever flora morale mural there you go um i'm stupid i don't know words give me a second basically as you can,see right here this is just a look and you can scroll to get a couple different variations maybe some of you guys are thinking this is cool but you know.

what i mean they caught some kind of have a corny feel to them because i wouldn't use a lot of these they're just overkill a lot of them are overkill now.

if i tap on it you can kind of bring the the the light in and out but you can't necessarily change the the strength of the filter um now some of them are cool because,they make the sky kind of go a little weird way so like look at this basically right.i don't know what this looks like for you it's a mess essentially.

some of them operate using like a a overexposed background or an overexposed sort of source aka the sky or like a white wall and you can do some cool stuff with the sky i guess but like i said like my overall opinion i'm sure a lot of you guys are taking the same opinion as's kind of overkill a lot of this stuff is overkill now,maybe for my artsy people.

something like the grit or something like let me show you this one like oh yeah gritty hardcore maybe some of my artsy posers out there might want to get a little a little artsy with this right,but overall my my quick breakdown a review of this is it's too much it's just straight up too much.

you're seeing this look at me i'm looking like i'm high out of my mind right now dreaming now this is the perfect one for the sky right obviously if i point it at my window.

you could see it's uh or if i went and stood on like a a white wall but,overall stuff's a little bit too much and i'm not necessarily going to be using this all the time but i wanted to expose it sort of just well not expose it but,basically just showcase it to you guys as you can see right here.

something like this is kind of cool i'm a fan of like the more simplistic stuff and like i said all of them have a whole bunch of variations which i think is cool.

so, this if i was trying to do like a little promo graphic or something for for myself maybe that would be cool,you've got some settings up here to turn uh to change the actual sort of um you know dimensions of it or um resolution so this is obviously just a uh a straight up vertical boom you get the flash on turn the flash on turn the flash off i'll turn it off.

A little bit weird so overall if i had to give you guys a very honest review.which is obviously the angle i'm coming at uh it's not super impressive the most impressive thing on this is the the portrait personally i'm a big fan of the sort of blurred background portrait thing when instagram came out with a filter and snapchat came out with a filter like this,i was a big fan massive fan. so, oh my bad i'm burping so basically this is the the main one that i think is kind of cool photoshop photoshop camera the free photoshop app for the iphone i believe it's for the android as well and it's underwhelming however it's free.

so,what do you want for my photographers out there i'm sure you might see some cool some cool potential here give it a download mess around with it and give it a try new free photoshop app for mobile,it's a miss from me i'm gonna keep it on the iphone just in case i see a cool uh use for it when i'm out in the field out and about in the streets of london


i can't picture myself really using this that often but i think it's cool that they're releasing new apps someone will definitely find some value in this they might be a 13 year old girl totally fine maybe that's the demo thank you guys for tuning in have a nice day follow creator dashboard on instagram twitter or facebook whichever one you use the most ideally instagram.

we sort of we're most active on instagram and then we just remember days later like oh we should probably post,what we posted on instagram on twitter and facebook as well.

so,follow the instagram free packs free resources you know the drill creator dashboard killing the game changing the game and we're going to new heights thank you guys for watching have a nice day i'll see you in an upcoming post peace.

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